Well, I finally agreed to it. I finally agreed to spend more than one night away from my little kiddo.
I know...I know...I know...
I can hear all you out there rolling your eyes at me. But give me a break...I like my kid...I enjoy being with him...I don't want to be away from him! Is that so wrong? Am I somehow a bad person or a bad wife or something because I don't want to be away from Blake? Call me co-dependent...I don't care...I LOVE BLAKEY BLAKE! I know some folks don't ever take a vacation with their children. That's just really odd to me. I love the family vacation! It's in my bones...but that's another blog topic for another day.
Kelly and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary this May and he and I have been kicking the idea around for a few months about taking a trip without The Prince. Up until about 2 months ago, everytime he would suggest it, I would try to talk about it and just start crying. Finally, around the first of the year, I decided I could handle it for more than one night. (I've been away from him about 3 times - but never for more than one night.) So, we start talking about when and where we want to go...and for how long.
Kelly's got a ton of frequent flyer miles (I knew all those trips away from me would finally pay off) and he said wherever we go, he wanted to fly first class. Hey! What a grand idea! I'm all for that plan! So we start talking about how long we (or rather...I) can stand to be away from Blake. Honestly, I told him I didn't think I could handle more than about 4 days. So now we start looking for a nice destination for 4 days. Far enough away to seem like a real vacation, nice enough to feel special for our 10th anniversary, far enough away to make spending those miles on the 1st class seats worthwhile, but not too far away. Another requisite - some where that doesn't require a passport. Both of ours are out of date and I hear it takes a while to renew.
So here were some of our thoughts:
Hawaii - we enjoyed a trip there together a few year ago and would love to go back - but I don't want to go for such a short time, since you spend a day getting there and returning - need more time - wait until we take Blake or can handle being away from him longer
San Francisco - love that place - it's high on the list - we've both been there several times - but never together
Mackinac Island - where we honeymooned - would rather go back there more in the summertime than in May when they have all their flowers in bloom - it is a special place. Save this one for the 20th anniversary???
San Juan, Puerto Rico - Kelly's been there but I haven't - he loved it and has always wanted to take me there - no passport required
So after some debate and a few more tears shed over the thought of being away from Blake that long, I agreed to San Juan. We realized that 4 days was a little short on time there, so I am extending myself and we will be gone 5 days in May. Now that I've finally decided that I will survive and not suffocate from missing Blake, I'm excited about the trip and looking forwarding to planning and reading about it - but that's another blog topic for another day. Oh yeah...and get this...Kelly's got enough frequent stay points with Hilton and/or Marriott to take care of our 4 nights away from home. They are gong to practically be PAYING US to take this vacation!
Anyway, I'm sure it will be good for us to be away alone...blah blah blah...healthy marriage...blah blah blah...appreciate each other more...blah blah blah...good for Blake....blah blah blah...good for the grandparents keeping Blake overnight...blah blah blah...
I remember hearing someone say once (was it Sharon Pope or Amy Stephens?) after a long trip away from her child/children that the first couple of days were so tough missing them, but then it got easier. I've already told Kelly he's got to allow me crying time right at the first of the trip, then I will get better, hopefully. He said if it gets really bad, we'll just get our webcam down to my mom's and have her set Blake in front of it one night so I can see him. Maybe he'll throw one of his sweet little tantrums while I'm looking at him...it would make it easier to be gone!
So, I know I'm setting myself up for all sorts of "get over it" comments - so go ahead and hit me with them...I can take it. My guess is that the majority of moms have felt this same feeling at some point.
I think I need a tissue!