Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Do we really hafta "Love Your Neighbor"?

Our neighborhood has undergone such a turnover in the past year, it has really been strange. It's not like I even know my neighbors very well, or hang out with them or anything, but we've had so many people moving out.

3 houses down on our side of the street - apparently these folks moved up big time to a huge house in the country. I never knew them...just always wondered why they never drove their Hummer but just let it set in the driveway or street most of the time. That house is still for sale.

Across the street from that house - the dad at that house got a teaching job in Granbury, so that's a logical move. That house has sold.

The house across the street from us - they finally got to move out towards Weatherford - they've been wanting to do that for several years. Nice family, but we seldom spoke to them. Their house sold to a nice young-ish couple who seem really nice. We need to get to know them.

But the neighborhood change that I hate the most is our next door neighbor. She (a single mom and grandmom who has been the greatest neighbor) up and got herself married to a man from Marble Falls and actually had the nerve to move out and live with him! She's had her house on the market a while - had one buyer she waited and waited on, then they finally backed out. Yesterday, she rang our doorbell for one final goodbye. They had just closed yesterday afternoon. I will miss Charlotte. What a sweet lady.'s the part that scares me. Charlotte didn't want to say too much, but she said just enough to "warn" us about the new owner. Apparently this new ownder lady is also a single mom/grandmom. Charlotte told us that she was so suspicious of every little thing. I guess she's been burned on a house deal before. Charlotte told us this lady wanted tons of stuff done before she would buy it. My guess is that Charlotte was just happy to hire it done and sell the house, so she must have accomodated this new owner's wishes. Get this...she actually wanted the flowerbeds (which are gorgeous) lowered 4 inches! Can you believe that?!

So...Kelly and I are working on our attitude. We figure she's already turned us into the city for an overgrown/forest in our backyard. I hope she likes dogs, because our aging pup tends to bark at the wind quite often. This should be interesting. Pray for us that we can be good neighbors, because we've already come up with all sorts of not-so-nice things to do...especially to those newly lowered flower beds!!!!


At 2:46 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

I've got a similar problem. My British neighbor wants his balcony raised 10cm. (He's metric.)

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

we are so lucky to have such wonderful neighbors! when i mentioned moving our single lady next door started to cry!


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