Monday, April 03, 2006

Jump Back

I read this today - it was just too good to keep to myself. For some reason, I cannot make my text move down by hitting the return/enter key, so the enlightening articles begins here >>>>>> Is it true that if everybody in China jumped at the same time it would knock the Earth out of orbit? If people weighed on average 1000 lbs, a billion people would weigh a trillion pounds. The earth "weighs" about six sextillion tons. That is more than a trillion times the weight of all the people on earth. So, if all the people on the earth jumped the same direction at the same time, the earth would move less than one trillionth as far in the opposite direction. For example, if everybody jumped two feet directly toward the north star, the earth would move less than a millionth of a millionth of a foot away from that star.The real kicker is that as soon as those people jump, they start falling back toward the earth and the earth falls back toward them and the net effect is immeasurably close to zero. The earth running into hydrogen atoms, cosmic dust and the occasional meteor as it moves around the sun has a greater effect on its orbit than the mother of all coordinated jumps ever could.


At 7:34 PM, Blogger Wezie said...

Would everybody have to be on the same cell-phone network in order to communicate WHEN to jump? How would they all know when to jump - wouldn't there be some kind of time delay that would affect all of this? Maybe that's what happened to the dinosaurs...they all jumped at the same you think they had Verizon?

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Are you sure you're an accountant, and not a physicist?

At 4:30 AM, Blogger Danny Sims said...

I wrote that back in 7th grade during study hall. I can't beleive you found it!

At 1:52 PM, Blogger nairb said...

All at the same time... We can't get 7 VBS cast members to move at the same time and your talking about a whole planet.

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Joanie said...

I was so excited to read an email from my brother today with his comments about this ever-so-fascinating blog entry.

Here are a few excerpts from his email on this subject:

"...regarding your theory of the whole world jumping at the same time in an attempt to knock the world off its axis, which, by the way does not sound like a particularly good idea – in order for us all to “jump in the same direction” wouldn’t we be fighting against each other? For instance, if at midnight all the Americans were going to attempt to push the Earth toward the sun by jumping up, wouldn’t the Chinese jumping at their noon be pushing away from the sun. The Chinese would actually need to be pulling the Earth rather than pushing it. How could you do that – jump up and pull back down faster than gravity would pull you down anyway? Maybe the Chinese could all simultaneously release tethered helium balloons so that they all reached the extended length of their tether at the same time as the Americans were jumping up. I know you probably have your best people working on this and it may come in handy in case we need to counter act the effect of a meteor impact. Hopefully the people squashed by the meteor would not throw off the balance of the power of the jumping/balloon releasing people. Well, I better get back to terrestrial work..."

Thanks, Charlie, for the additional thoughts! I'll get my people working on this right away!


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