Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Everyone Thinks So

OK, I know, I'm just another mother and every mom/dad/grandparent thinks their child/grandchild is the cutest or smartest or most clever. Let me just say this, I'm not sure there is any age that is more fun than where Blake is right now. I'd say for the last month or two, he just keeps us laughing all the time. I'm counting on this fun stage to last a while.

His memory is absolutely amazing. He remembers things that I have completely forgotten that happened 2 months ago that haven't been mentioned in 2 months. He can now count to twelve - and when he hits his xxx-teens, he gets a little shaky and then will eventually hollar out "twenty" with great joy! And he can also tell you and show you all about the hydraulics on a backhoe, excavator, bulldozer, dump truck, front-end loader, scraper, and other assorted construction equipment.

Anyway...I just put him down for bed. We have our routine which seems to be getting longer these days. After a few books, we do the little prayer and then the big prayer. The little prayer is where I say "Dear God" and he repeats it, then I say "thank you for" and Blake starts to fill in the blanks. Tonight it order...fruit, yogurt, chocolate pudding, moose, and whales. From there, we go into the big prayer which is my longer version of things we are thankful for and things we want to pray for. Yesterday, when I said "thank you for my friends" and I paused for Blake to fill in his friends' names, all he said was "Ashley - I love you gobs." I guess he probably didn't mention any other friends' names because I giggled so much at the "I love you gobs" part (it was as if it was part of Ashley's name), that he didn't name any of his other usual friends. Anyway...I just love the things he thinks of to pray for.

I told him tonight as I rocked him and kissed his head over and over again "Blake, you'll never know how much I love you until you are a father yourself." But even then, I cannot imagine that his love for his own children will be this deep. It's hard to imagine that my parents ever loved me this much. And then to think that our love for our own children is so far eclipsed by the Father's love for us. It's just beyond my comprehension.

Let me just say this...I am thankful beyond belief that all of those infertility treatments failed. If we had ever gotten pregnant, we wouldn't have Blake, and that is also beyond my comprehension!


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Ashley N said...

That is so great!! I feel so special...and I love Blake gobs too!! I was cleaning out my email inbox and found some pictures my mom had forwarded to me from you of Blake. He is so little! I forgot that he used to be this tiny baby...I just can't believe how big he is now! He's even more adorable though if that's possible!!

At 2:17 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

i thank God for chocolate pudding, too...

At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...sentiments my own mom has shared with me. as i was with my parents, blake (yours, not mine!) is blessed beyond belief to have been placed in your home. i love and miss you!-shei

At 11:23 AM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

Our Blakey Blake

At 7:55 AM, Blogger QueenBee said...

Danny pointed me in your direction.... my husband and I are in the process of adopting - now "waiting" for the call! Your post touched my heart - being thankful for failed infertility treatments....I, too, thank God everyday. I can't wait to hold my little one(s) and see what He has for us. I was curious, if you don't mind sharing, what process of adoption you followed? I couldn't find it in previous posts. We are adopting through the foster care system. Blessings!

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Joanie said...


We adopted through Christian Homes of Abilene, To be quite honest, we hooked up with them from the beginning and I really don't know too much else about all the other avenues of adoption. I get so excited when I hear about someone else adopting. It is the most amazing thing ever! I don't know how things will work for you...but I can tell you we got a call out of the blue on a Thursday around noon and we picked up our son in Abilene the next day at 2:00 p.m. While we were sort of "prepared" - I don't think you can ever be really prepared! You will be overwhelmed with the amount of love you feel for your will amaze and astonish you. I always thought I knew what it felt like to love a child...but little did I really know. It will knock your socks off! I hope your wait is short. We killed time every week by going to Babies R Us and just dreaming. It helped us feel like we were doing something. Our adoption is a closed adoption, by the choice of our birth mother, but when I say bedtime prayers with Blake every night, we always thank God for his birth mother. She gave us a gift beyond belief. Keep me posted on your progress...though once your child may never blog again!!!!


At 5:19 PM, Blogger QueenBee said...

Thanks, Joanie. We're very excited and expect our call to come in much the same way as yours did. We'll probably foster first, and if that child becomes available for a doption then we would adopt. We may have to go through a few placements before a child is adoptable. Anyway, it's where we feel God leading us and I know He'll give us whatever we need to get through it all. Drop by my blog sometime and read about our journey.


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